Waipiʻo Valley

Aloha mai kākou!

This is just a friendly reminder that in exactly three weeks, February 16th, 2018, we will be having our class field trip. As you all know, the way that I structured this class is so that we can learn about physical fitness, but also incorporate Hawaiian values within our class. That is why our field trip will be to Waipiʻo Valley.

Waipiʻo Valley was/is the home to some of the most legendary, and physically fit, human beings that ever lived in Hawaiʻi. Warriors, Chiefs, Kings and Queens resided here and all were said to be of superior stature. Even the commoners were in top shape!

I wanted this field trip to give us an opportunity to experience the beauty, the mana (power), and the history that runs deep in Waipiʻo. Therefore, since this is a Physical Fitness class we will be hiking in, out of, and around the valley to get an idea of how Hawaiians used to travel everyday. We will be visiting the beach, rivers, and loʻi (taro patch) of some relatives of mine. They will be teaching us about the nutrition of old Hawaiʻi, which is a very important aspect to being physically fit.

With that being said, I will be needing those permission slips signed by your parents and turned in to me by February 2nd, 2018. Failure to do so will result in you being unable to accompany your fellow classmates on this field trip. Lastly, here are important details for that day:

February 16th, 2018
Meet at Bus Ramp
Departure from School: 6:00 a.m.
Duration of Trip: 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Arrival back at School: 3:00 p.m.

What you need:
P.E. uniform (everyone must wear this that day)
Athletic Shoes/Hiking Shoes
Swim Clothes
Extra Clothes (Class T-shirt and Shorts)
Sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, jacket
***Transportation and Lunch will be provided

Lastly, remember to bring a positive attitude, open mind, and be respectful at all times. The people we will be meeting are very dear to me, and I have great respect for them. This is a great opportunity for all of us.

If you have any questions, or concerns, don't hesitate to contact me.

Mr. Kaʻilipaka
